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Downloads->English Translation Projects->Ys VI - English Translation 1202only [ Search ]

Ys VI - English Translation 1202only
Name Ys VI - English Translation 1202only
Description This is the english translation for Ys VI - The Ark Of Napishtim. This file is exclusive for the owners of the so called "Standard Edition" ( 1.2.0.x version).
Please check up the READ-Me files inside the archieve and follow all the suggestions and steps provided into it.
Sent by Doppiapunta
Size 8194.51 Kb
Votes Votes: 22 - Average: 4.39

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20 Dec 2013
09 Jul 2011
Hello i want to thank all that played any part in making this i know first hand that getting people together to make this happen was probley the hardest part !
20 Jun 2011
Thanks for the patch! It's awesome!
30 Jan 2011
Hi there, i've the game... and i've the patch downloaded from the falcom website also... i install the patch... then i aply your patch for the in english...
but when i start the game it wont be translated... it's still in a strange lenguage (i don't know if it's japanese or korean, unfortunatly my PC wont read the chars that the game is using... and it give me a sequence like: "ccsksrtkgjasdhjrter'aslàòldje" or a kind of... XD)
what's the problem? sorry for the necroposting o_o

salve... ok, c'ho il gioco, c'ho la patch scaricata dal sito di falcom che avete linkato... ho installato il gioco, poi la patch e poi la vostra traduzione in inglese... il problema è che quando apro il gioco questo continua ad essere nella lingua originale, coreano o giapponese che sia, purtroppo non mi legge i caratteri e mi da un'insulsa sequenza indecifrabile di "ksalfkgòàk302sdjklfds"...
dove devo aggrapparmi per risolvere 'sta cosa? XD

OS: Window7
09 Oct 2010
15 Jan 2010
Thanks alot thats what RPG fans web sites should do , work and help other fans in the games , and its really hard work you do in translation , not like other web sites they talk nothing they just keep saying ( please dont double post ) or ( this subject is repeated go search for ) and then they close the thread :S thats what they are good at , but you your the BEST keep on the good work
26 Dec 2009
20 Dec 2009
finally..thx guys..awesome
21 Nov 2009
korean patch dual core cpu PC no start.. but use english patch~ ^.^
21 Nov 2009
korean patch no start.. but use english patch~ ^.^
28 Oct 2009
Now you can fin the update patches in the "Update patches" section on this download area..check it
26 Oct 2009
Here is the link for the 1202 update patch from Falcom:

Bye Guys...and thank for your kind comments
23 Sep 2009
yes. i can't wait this thing.
15 Sep 2009
Grazie per il hardwork. Spero di vedere presto un altro progetto. Salute.
28 Jul 2009
hi ^^
i'm try to find this update, but i can't find
please is possible share this?
08 Jul 2009
Thank you
05 Jun 2009
thank you !! usa best!!!! figlidigaucci best!!!

There are 39 files on the Database
Most Downloaded: Ys VI - English Translation 1109only
Most Viewed: Ys Origin English Translation Patch v 1.0
Most Rated: Ys Origin English Translation Patch v 1.0

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