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Ys VI - English Translation 1109only
Name Ys VI - English Translation 1109only
Description This is the english translation for Ys VI - The Ark Of Napishtim. This file is exclusive for the owners of the very first release of the game also called "Limited Edition".
Please check up the READ-Me files inside the archieve and follow all the suggestions and steps provided into it.
Sent by Doppiapunta
Size 8246.63 Kb
Votes Votes: 30 - Average: 4.89

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26 May 2011
Complimenti per l'ottimo lavoro; spettacolari.
Guilty Gear Z
20 Sep 2010
Fantastic work Guys, This is the patch i was waiting for :3:3
03 Sep 2010
i installed the game but when i try to double click to the game exe it doesnt open.why?How can i overcome this problem?I really wanna play this game.This is the best overhead action adventure game ever made along with Alundra.Please someone help me
05 Aug 2010
Thank you very much :3
keep up the good work guys
26 Jul 2010
Thank you very much ~
19 Jun 2010
So the readme is all broken up and I cant read a thing. Is there way around this?
16 Mar 2010
Thanks, man, you're heroes!!!!
12 Mar 2010
Thanks a lot
20 Feb 2010
18 Feb 2010
ok so i finally got my hands on a copy of the limited edition release, downloaded the patch and translation followed the instructions to the letter(using applocale to installthe origional game and the retail patch) and im getting an error msg when i try to start up the exe. the cinfig works fine, but i get
Couldn't open file.(80ff0009h)



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08 Feb 2010
wow... I have that translation on my game... So, thanks so much, you guy rocks!
15 Jan 2010
Thanks alot thats what RPG fans web sites should do , work and help other fans in the games , and its really hard work you do in translation , not like other web sites they talk nothing they just keep saying ( please dont double post ) or ( this subject is repeated go search for ) and then they close the thread :S thats what they are good at , but you your the BEST keep on the good work
04 Jan 2010
Thanks to your effort, I can enjoy the game. I hope to get the English Script you translated if i get a chance. Could you upload the Script as a text file on this website?
21 Dec 2009
Thanks for your work!
20 Dec 2009
i can't complete the download...any other link?? i'm stuck on 40% n then the download failed...please hekp me... T_T
10 Oct 2009
Thank you very much
15 Sep 2009
it's great! really.. thank you very much..
10 Sep 2009
Thank you
13 Aug 2009
29 Jul 2009
Many Many Thanks
27 Jun 2009
Thx guys PERFECT ENGLISH PATCH thank you very much
08 Jun 2009
Thank you very much for this work, I dunno what version I have, so I'll download the three versions. Once again Thank you so much. I hope to find a Ys Origin translation patch too, bye bye.

There are 39 files on the Database
Most Downloaded: Ys VI - English Translation 1109only
Most Viewed: Ys Origin English Translation Patch v 1.0
Most Rated: Ys Origin English Translation Patch v 1.0

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